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Count on Commodus

Accounting agency aware of client’s goals and specific needs.

Even for the smallest entrepreneurs, bookkeeping is a complex and responsible task due to the number of legal regulations related to the enterprise operation.

Business decision to outsource accounting workload, create space for the core business, and allow company to be efficient and enhance  productivity. 

In addition to administrative work, bookkeeping services should have source to accurate and timely manner info on latest regulations. Especially important is the knowledge and expertise on financial policies.


Choose. Which of these accounting services you needed?

Integrated bookkeeping services

Complete bookkeeping for companies and entrepreneurs with final accounts included. Synchronization of clients status with tax

  • Trading companies Accounting law/act
  • Accounting law
  • Audit law
  • Value Added Tax/VAT law
  • Corporate Income Tax law 
  • Personal Income Tax Law
  • Foreign Exchange Transactions Law

VAT- calculation

VAT calculation is one of the most important accounting services which entrust to the accountant. VAT is one of the most important state account taxes and therefore the most audited, along with the Act on cash registers. Although the legislator didn’t gave advise regarding the form and content of the books (received and issued invoices KIR and KPR) there are suggested particular data that these books must have.

Consolidated balance report

Consolidated balance state report

  • eliminates a portion of a long-term investments (associated companies capital share) 
  • eliminated receivables and liabilities between related parties and
  • eliminates the profit portion based on the mutual goods exchange and products at prices higher than the cost per day 

Konsolidovan bilans uspeha

  • eliminates a portion of the profit included in the income and expenditure incurred by the difference between the selling price and the cost of goods sold and products exchanged between related companies, and
  • eliminate the financial income and financial expenses arising from financial relations affiliates.

The calculation of earnings and other benefits

  • Payroll Preparation
  • Online Payment orders and transfer order printing
  • Preparation of annual M4 forms
  • Travel orders calculation for the local or international business travel
  • Related taxes calculation for the international business travel
  • Tax callculations for all types of contracts for exyernal collaborators or contractors (temporary job assignment contract and royalties contract).

Tax reports

Final Account (for all legal entities and entrepreneurs who keep double-entry bookkeeping) is podonosi for statistical purposes (deadline 28.02) and the final final calculation (deadline 29.06).

Subbmition to Business Registers Agency in electronic form and mail. The final bill is presented to the Tax Administration, and it:
  • Up 30.04. for the previous year, for legal entities shall be submitted to the Tax tax return and tax balance
  • Up to 30.06. for the year, as an attachment to the tax return and tax balance, delivered to the financial statements and for entrepreneurs who keep double-entry bookkeeping ( Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Statistics Report forms) and basic  bookkeeping entrepreneurs.

Payments and budget allocation

Cash transactions

  • Loans and other payments on behalf of the client (courier service included)
  • Raising salaries, loans and other payments from the account of the client (courier service included)
  • Preparation of specifications and banks approvals
  • Billing checks debit accounts

Account payments

  • Gathering the account statements from bank or e-banking/Internet   and printing 
  • Account statements delivery/forwarding (fax, e-mail or communication)

Electronic Payments

  • Online funds transfer by the client’s order 

Payments and international budget allocation 


  • International payment orders, distribution and foreign currency exchange.

We estimate monthly fees after briefing with the client. 
Look for our special offers:



Monthly bookkeeping fee

International business entireties i representative offices


Monthly bookkeeping fee (reports included)



Monthly bookkeeping fee